12 Modules, 65+ Features for Small & Medium Scale Businesses
We are serving clients from 14+ Industries & we are adding 50+ features to make Salesteps more better for your Business.
Mostly used Features of Salesteps
Sales Board
- Kan-Ban gives you clear picture of your Business.
- 9 Pipes, which shows the current stage of your individual Lead.
- Every pipe gives details information about Leads in that stage.
- Shows Total number of Leads & Total Cost of all Leads.

Lead Management
- Qualify your Leads & Proceed for Follow-ups
- Centralized Process to gather all your Leads.
- Assign Leads to Sales Executive & track the status of Lead from anywhere.
- Capture Leads from your Website, Direct Lead Form to Salesteps.
Product/Service Management
- Product Performance Analysis.
- Findout lacking/weaknesses of your Product.
- Productwise Business done.
- Productwise Lead Tracking.

Team Management
- Assign Leads to Team Member.
- Individual Executive Login to Track Own & Assigned Leads.
- Executive Performance Report.
- Compare Performance on different Parameters.
- Assign Target & Achievements.
Follow-up Management
- Follow-up Summary & Next Follow-up Scheduling.
- Check Entire Follow-up timeline.
- Datewise follow-ups, Coming follow-ups, Pending follow-up list.
- Change Status or mark as Won, Lost, On Hold.

Customer Management
- Centralized Prospect & Existing Clients.
- Track Enquiries from individual Customer.
- Tag your Customers.
- Client of the Day.
- Create Customer Groups for Marketing.
SMS & Email Automation
- Nurture your Lead by Automating your sales Process.
- Automatic Personalized SMS sending.
- 78% SMS are getting opened & read
Create Templates for SMS, which saves 34% time. - Very cost effective medium of Sales Conversion.

- Tracking your Marketing sourcewise Expenses on Marketing.
- Track Leads Generated by various Marketing Sources.
- Calculate Best Marketing Source which gives maximum results.
- Preapre Automated CPL & CPA Table.
Lead Capturing
- Create Own forms to collect prospect Data.
- Capture all Data direct into your sales funnel.
- Create form links to send via various marketing medium.
- Embed form & Capture leads from your Website, Facebook Post/Page, Blogs.
- 0% Lead Leakage.